Hey there! I'm Krissi, self proclaimed chaser of light! (Not exaggerating...people probably think I look a little crazy when those last few minutes of golden goodness strike!) Coffee is my crutch, music makes everything better, Jiu Jitsu is therapeutic and I'm an adventurer at heart. Our camper is our happy place and when I'm not shooting/editing/running around "momming" my crew loves to hit the road and wander somewhere new. I am in love with being a wife to my superhero of a husband and a homeschooling mom to my 3 amazing (hilarious) kiddos and I'll probably end up showing you a photo of them while we're hanging out at your shoot #Proudmama!  I'm a total goofball and making people laugh is my MO (and then pressing my shutter about a 100x a second to make sure I get all of that goodness documented...yea even dads/husbands can't help but crack a smile when we shoot). Everyday life can get exhausting and I often feel like a "mombie" but it never fails that as soon as I get to a shoot and basically for a few hours after, I'm on a high. That's how I know I'm doing what I love...it gives me life and I feel so grateful to be blessed with the sweetest families who come to see me year over year. 

Aaaannnd my kids just finished breakfast and our homeschool day is starting, but I'm glad you're here and I can't wait to meet you and learn your story too!

 Here's to new friends and beautiful photos!

